Here is a quick how to for enabling Cisco MDS & Nexus scheduled backups via CLI. The following procedure will allow your switches will log into a SFTP server nightly where it will drop a backup of its config.
In my example below I will create a service user on the switch username ansible
as I intend to use this later for ansible operations, simply substitute P@ssw0rd123
for your password. My ansible server is
and /data/backup
on this device is an NFS mount to a NAS filer.
An important thing to remember, for this to work the same service user ansible
and it's associated ssh_key must be exchanged and must exist on both the switch and the SFTP server else the backup will fail. Below I will show you how to create a new key OR use an existing key if you already have one.
MDS-A9710# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
MDS-A9710(config)# ip name-server
MDS-A9710(config)# callhome
MDS-A9710(config-callhome)# transport email from [email protected]
MDS-A9710(config-callhome)# transport email smtp-server port 25
MDS-A9710(config-callhome)# duplicate-message throttle
MDS-A9710(config-callhome)# exit
MDS-A9710(config)# username ansible password P@ssw0rd123 role network-admin
MDS-A9710(config)# copy r s
[########################################] 100%
Copy complete.
MDS-A9710(config)# username ansible keypair generate rsa 1024
generating rsa key(1024 bits).....
generated rsa key
MDS-A9710(config)# show username ansible keypair
rsa Keys generated:Wed Mar 2 15:14:12 2022
could not retrieve dsa key information
could not retrieve ecdsa key information0
MDS-A9710(config)# copy r s
[########################################] 100%
Copy complete.
MDS-A9710(config)# username ansible keypair export bootflash:ansible_rsa rsa
MDS-A9710(config)# dir bootflash:
4096 Nov 17 07:41:36 2021 .patch/
0 Feb 02 10:05:01 2022 20220202_170501_poap_5744_init.log
887 Mar 02 15:15:47 2022 ansible_rsa
232 Mar 02 15:15:48 2022
16384 Nov 17 07:35:51 2021 lost+found/
69206528 Nov 17 07:37:17 2021 m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.8.3.2.bin
418518384 Nov 17 07:38:04 2021 m9700-sf3ek9-mz.8.3.2.bin
4096 Feb 14 13:37:17 2022 scripts/
Usage for bootflash://sup-local
868319232 bytes used
6577778688 bytes free
7446097920 bytes total
MDS-A9710(config)# copy sftp://[email protected]/home/ansible/.ssh/$(SWITCHNAME)
In another terminal window:
ssh [email protected]
cd /home/ansible/.ssh/
cat $(SWITCHNAME) >> authorized_keys2
SSH back to your MDS switch terminal window as ansbile user.
ssh [email protected]
MDS-A9710(config)# copy sftp://[email protected]/home/ansible/.ssh/ansible_rsa bootflash:ansible_rsa
MDS-A9710(config)# copy sftp://[email protected]/home/ansible/.ssh/
MDS-A9710(config)# username ansible keypair import bootflash:ansible_rsa rsa
Enter Passphrase: *********** (P@ssw0rd123)
MDS-A9710(config)# copy r s
[########################################] 100%
MDS-A9710(config)# end
MDS-A9710# exit
SSH back to your MDS switch terminal window as ansbile user.
ssh [email protected]
MDS-A9710# config t
MDS-A9710(config)# copy running-config startup-config
MDS-A9710(config)# copy start sftp://[email protected]/data/backup/$(SWITCHNAME)/$(SWITCHNAME)_$(TIMESTAMP).cfg
This should create a backup config file on$(SWITCHNAME)/
without prompting you for a password! if it fails ensure there is a folder named the same as the switch name in the /data/backup/ directory.
MDS-A9710(config)# scheduler enable
MDS-A9710(config)# scheduler job name backup_config
MDS-A9710(config-job)# copy running-config startup-config
MDS-A9710(config-job)# copy start sftp://[email protected]/data/backup/$(SWITCHNAME)/$(SWITCHNAME)_$(TIMESTAMP).cfg
MDS-A9710(config-job)# exit
MDS-A9710(config)# show scheduler job name backup_config
Job Name: backup_config
copy running-config startup-config
copy startup-config sftp://[email protected]/data/backup/$(SWITCHNAME)/$(SWITCHNAME)_$(TIMESTAMP).cfg
MDS-A9710(config)# scheduler schedule name nightly_10pm
MDS-A9710(config-schedule)# time daily 22:00
MDS-A9710(config-schedule)# job name backup_config
MDS-A9710(config-schedule)# email-addr [email protected]
MDS-A9710(config-schedule)# exit
MDS-A9710(config)# show scheduler schedule name nightly_10pm
Schedule Name : nightly_10pm
User Name : ansible
Schedule Type : Run every day at 22 Hrs 0 Mins
Last Execution Time : Yet to be executed
Job Name Last Execution Status
backup_config -NA-
MDS-A9710(config)# exit
MDS-A9710# copy r s
[########################################] 100%
Copy complete.
MDS-A9710# copy start sftp://[email protected]/data/backup/$(SWITCHNAME)/$(SWITCHNAME)_$(TIMESTAMP).cfg
The above commands should complete without needing to enter a password. If successful you are done.